Why is My Elderly Loved One Having Problems with Balance?

Many older adults develop problems with balance. If your elderly parent or relative says they feel like they’re spinning or that things around them are spinning, they’re experiencing vertigo and this could be a symptom of a balance problem. It’s important that they see a doctor. However,  this article will help you to understand the … Read more

Why Boynton Beach Assisted Living Facility Residents Can Benefit from Pet Therapy

In adIf you’ve ever had a pet, you know how affectionate they can be. Stroking a cat or dog or simply watching them play can take your mind off your problems. And it can create a soothing feeling for many. If you have an elderly parent or relative, you’ll be interested in knowing that animals … Read more

Advice From An Assisted Living Center in Boynton Beach: Making New Year’s Resolutions as as Parent Caregiver

For many people, a new year presents the perfect opportunity to make changes. If you’re the caregiver of an older adult, you may often put their needs above yours. However, it may be time to take a fresh look at your expectations and attitudes regarding care. It’s almost impossible to be a perfect caregiver and … Read more

Preventing Hip Fractures in Elderly People

Hip fractures are very common among older people, especially women. Most people aren’t at risk of death if they break a bone but for elderly people, hip fractures can be life-threatening. This is because of the complications that often result. The risk of death is especially high for seniors who can’t walk on their own, … Read more

Why Are Older People at Increased Risk of Dehydration?

While anyone can become dehydrated, older people are more vulnerable for several reasons.  Firstly, they go through a number of physiological changes as a natural result of aging. However, the situation is often complicated by illness and mental and physical challenges. Given the dangers associated with dehydration, you’ll need to do what you can to … Read more

Could My Elderly Loved One Be Struggling with Anxiety?

Everyone feels anxious or nervous from time to time. This is normal especially if one is experiencing stress. Illness, new social situations, and dangerous events can all lead to anxiety. For example, being diagnosed with a chronic disease, moving into an assisted living community in Florida or experiencing a house fire could trigger some anxiety. … Read more

Can My Parent Get Memory Care in a Boynton Beach Assisted Living Community?

The time may come when it’s too difficult to continue caring for your parent who has dementia or Alzheimer’s disease in the home. Not every senior living facility in Florida will be able to provide the specialized care they require. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to find the ideal place for them … Read more

Can Assisted Living Communities in Boynton Beach Help Residents Cope with Anxiety?

Anxiety is a very common state. But often times, it becomes disabling and disruptive. It is considered a mental disorder, as a result. Older people are at particular risk of suffering from anxiety for many reasons. They suffer from more pain and chronic health issues. They may experience more losses. Elderly individuals can also have … Read more

Adult Day Care Delray Beach | Smart and Cost Effective Choice

Adult day care facilities are a lot different than nursing homes and assisted living facilities. The adult day care center is a non-residential facility that supports the nutritional, social, health, and daily living needs of adults in a group setting with professional staff available. Adult day care Delray Beach provides adults with transitional care and … Read more

Elder Care Florida: Things to Consider Before The Big Move

Caring for the elderly is traditionally performed by immediate family members. Work and family affairs make them more occupied and taking care of their elderly themselves is now a bit difficult. Preparing their senior family member for a big move instead of leaving them alone is a difficult thing to do but is beneficial nonetheless. … Read more