Why is My Elderly Loved One Having Problems with Balance?

Many older adults develop problems with balance. If your elderly parent or relative says they feel like they’re spinning or that things around them are spinning, they’re experiencing vertigo and this could be a symptom of a balance problem. It’s important that they see a doctor. However,  this article will help you to understand the challenges they may be facing. Balance plays a major role in a person’s ability to control and maintain the position of their body. It helps to keep them safe while walking, climbing stairs, and getting up from a seated position. If an older person has a balance disorder, it will be difficult for them to get around and carry out routine daily activities. They’ll also be at increased risk of falling. Some may benefit from the added support of a Boynton Beach assisted living community.

Symptoms of Balance Disorders

An elderly person with a balance disorder may fall or wobble when they try to stand up. They may also stagger when they walk and complain about:

  • Blurred vision
  • Lightheadedness or faintness
  • Dizziness
  • Falls
  • Confusion
  • Nausea and vomiting.

These symptoms may come and go or last for a long time and they can cause depression or fatigue.

Why Balance Problems Occur and How to Manage Them

Seniors are more likely to have issues with balance. However, these problems aren’t necessarily a natural consequence of aging and some can be prevented. Some older people find it difficult to stay balanced because they have inner ear problems. If the labyrinth of the ear is infected or swollen, it can cause vertigo and imbalance. Head injuries, strokes, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, and low blood pressure can also be responsible. Even certain medications can lead to difficulties with balance.

If your loved one begins to develop problems while taking a certain medicine, you should talk to their doctor to see if there’s an alternative. If not, the doctor may be able to safely reduce the dosage or provide additional medication to reduce the side effects. When the balance disorder is caused by another illness, getting treatment for that problem can reduce the symptoms.

If the issues are due to high blood pressure, your loved one may find it helpful to eat less salt, exercise, and maintain a healthy weight. On the other hand, avoiding alcohol, drinking lots of water, and standing up slowly can relieve balance problems caused by low blood pressure. In other cases, physical therapy can help older adults to manage their symptoms.

Get Support from a Boynton Beach Assisted Living Community

If your loved one is generally in good health but you’re concerned about balance problems and fall risks, you may want to discuss moving to an assisted living center in Boynton Beach. At Courtyard Gardens Senior Living, they would have 24/7 access to highly trained professionals who will deliver individualized care. Contact us today to learn more about what our facility has to offer and determine if it is right for the elderly person in your care.