Senior Assisted Living Facilities: Key Senior Statistics Boynton Beach

Boynton Beach, FL has a population of 72,748 with a median age of 42.9. There are 4,572 seniors living alone in Boynton Beach. Of these, 73% are female. There are 52 senior assisted living facilities in Boynton Beach area that you can check out with your elderly parent or relative to know if they provide the services your loved one needs.

Senior Assisted Living Facilities | Key Senior Statistics Boynton Beach According to

• 8% of Boynton Beach senior households have an annual income of less than $10k and 27% less than $20k

• 24% of Boynton Beach, FL residents 60 and over received food stamps in the last year

• The median household income for a Boynton Beach senior is $32,504

• 25% of the seniors in Boynton Beach are veterans

• Florida ranks 44th for Long Term Care and 27th for America’s Health Rankings compared to other states

• 21% of the population of Boynton Beach, FL are seniors

• 31% of those seniors living in Boynton Beach, FL are living alone

• The average Social Security Income in Boynton Beach is $17,799 per year

• There are 1,705 working seniors in Boynton Beach

• 66% of males 65 and older are married compared with 42% of females

• 16% of males are widowed compared to 40% of females

• Only 2% of Boynton Beach senior household do not have access to phone service

• 12% of seniors from Boynton Beach area do not have access to a vehicle

• The average monthly cost of senior assisted living facilities in Florida $3,150. A lot cheaper compared to $8,060 private, single occupancy nursing home room

• 11% of seniors in Boynton Beach, FL are employed
• 28% of Boynton Beach seniors have a college degree
• 12% of the seniors in Boynton Beach are below the poverty level
• 26% of senior homeowners in Boynton Beach have a mortgage

Individuals Not Appropriate for Assisted Living

Not all senior individuals required the assistance of an assisted living facility. Assisted living facilities offer services to people 18 years old and above that only requires help with their daily living activities such as bathing, personal hygiene, dressing, mealtime, and oral care.

Some individuals who do not qualify the assistance of an assisted living facilities are those that show behavioral symptoms such as wandering, severe cognitive impairment, have a higher level of medical care needs, and those that require daily nursing services.

Best Senior Assisted Living Facility in Boynton Beach

If you are looking for senior assisted living facilities that you can look into for your elderly loved one, check out Courtyard Gardens Senior Living facility located in 3005 South Congress AVE Boynton Beach, FL. For more information about their terms and services, and if this is going to be the perfect facility for your loved one, call (561) 568-4849 now!