3 Things to Do if You Suspect Your Loved One Has Alzheimer’s

When you come to a point where you suspect that your aging loved one has Alzheimer’s, you can’t afford to brush it off and pretend that everything’s the same as it used to be. It’s important to take action ASAP. You don’t have to look for facilities that offer Alzheimer’s care Boynton Beach area the first few times you notice the problems. Here’s a helpful list of the 4 things you can do if you think your beloved elderly has Alzheimer’s:

  1. Keep a behavior log.

 Keep a written record of anything strange in your loved one’s behavior such as problems with memory and thinking, managing finances, learning to use something that’s new, keeping track of the current month or year, poor understanding of safety concerns, unusual spending, loss of interest in hobbies, and frequently misplacing items or repeating sentences and stories.

In your records, don’t forget to include the time of day as well as the surrounding circumstances because this can be useful in identifying environmental triggers or patterns. What’s more, this data can help their physician point out health issues and the plans for treatment.

  1. Talk to your loved one’s physician.

The next step is to make an appointment with the doctor. If your loved one shows signs of anger and resistance, you can visit the doctor alone. It’s best if you make a call prior to the appointment so that you can express your concerns beforehand. Just be sure to hand him your loved one’s behavior log so that he’ll have a basis for screening recommendations.

  1. Talk to your loved one.

This can be the most challenging part because they might not be so keen at hearing what you have to say. Some of them may not even admit that there’s a problem and they may even be aggressive towards you. Perhaps they’d feel much better if you empower them to get involved in choosing the senior facility that would best suit them.

Alzheimer’s Care Boynton Beach

Looking to find the best Alzheimer’s care – Boynton Beach location? If the doctor recommends moving into a facility that caters to the needs of a person with Alzheimer’s, consider Courtyard Gardens Senior Living. We offer the best services to the best people in your life. Contact us at (561)568-4849 to get more information.