Senior Living Delray | 5 Top Causes of Sleep Problems in Aging

We experience standard changes in our sleeping patterns as we age. It may vary in different illustrations such as experiencing sleepiness much earlier, waking up earlier, or falling to less deep sleep. Interruptions that hinder sleep become more noticeable as well as waking up tired every day. Delray Senior Living has observed these common symptoms regularly among its residents. Based on citify research, insomnia and other sleep-related disorders are not an ordinary part of the aging process. Here are some reasons why we experience restlessness during night time. Remember, sleep is as significant to your well-being as it was when you were younger. It affects your physical, spiritual, mental and emotional health.

An Underlying Medical Problem

Although senior citizens do often agonize from what’s called primary sleep ailments, many sleep problems they experience are secondary sleep problems. They are secondary to an original medical condition whose main indications are not-sleep related. Some of these mutual health conditions disrupt good and heavy sleep. These include painful conditions, including osteoarthritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and heart and lung conditions.

It’s vital to make sure that one of these common settings isn’t contributing to the problem if an elderly person is having a lot of difficulty in sleeping. Treating a causal problem — such as unchecked pain at night — can often improve sleep. It can also help to talk to a person who is well familiar in the pharmaceutical industry about what type of over-the-counter drugs that can substitute formal and costly prescriptions, to make sure that these aren’t contributing to insomnia.

Snoring and other forms of Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders

SRBD or sleep-related breathing disorder is an umbrella term covering a range of complications related to how people breathe while asleep. Studies have found that untreated “obstructive sleep apnea” is associated with poor health outcomes including heart failure, increased mortality, and coronary artery sickness. Though, some other studies suggest that these relations are sturdiest in people aged 45-70, and weaker in elder people. For older adults with symptomatic OSA, treatment can lessen daytime sleepiness and advance value of life.

Restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome is a movement disorder that causes uncomfortable feelings in the limbs and a powerful urge to move the legs, especially during sleeping hours. The medical field is sure that the syndrome has an inclination to be genetically passed along generations. Unfortunately, the research is not yet sure what causes the disease.

Caregiving Services that Provide Better Sleeping Conditions

So, your senior parent wants to rest well? They deserve these after all that they have been through. Delray Senior Living has a lot of options for a good community. Call one of those better facilities where rooms are much more comfortable and caregivers are much more attentive to your loved ones need. You may contact us at (561)336-4958 for more inquiries.