Royal Palm Beach Assisted Living | 3 Reasons Why Weight Training for Seniors is Recommended

Do not believe everything you read on the internet. There are a lot of misconceptions about senior body training. Royal Palm Beach Assisted Living facilities like to conduct senior health programs, and so we hear a lot of questions regarding weight training. Should seniors even lift? Can grandma carry weight? Can my aging parents go to the gym? There are a lot of questions out there and so we plan on answering about weight training.

Activities of Daily Living

It’s no secret that when people get older, they lose muscle and strength. This is commonly called “atrophy”. To push back the effects of atrophy or muscle loss, it is better to do strength training. Sadly, not all seniors do this because they prefer to have cardiovascular or stretching ones. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t do this kind of exercises but your muscles will miss a lot if you don’t lift a few weights to battle atrophy.   Every day, we do daily activities that require strength, some tasks you need a certain amount of strength to do, so keeping it buff and ready can make your activities fewer challenges when you grow older.


The next thing that is going to be a challenge when we give up weight training is our independence. When seniors have no power to lift even the most basic of things like groceries, then they are going to be forced to look for outside help. This can create a negative internal impression of one’s worth and may lead.  You need them to build the confidence to keep going in life. A senior with a good confidence level creates a positive atmosphere for everyone, especially at family reunions.


Doing squats is technically lifting weights. The more squats you do, the more balance you get. Having strong legs and a strong core is important because one of the most common causes of seniors getting rushed to hospitals is falling. You wouldn’t want your family member hitting is head on a table because he/she lacks balance.

Strong but Dependent Senior  in Royal Palm Beach Assisted Living

Life is a battle. No matter how much you hit up the gym and get stronger, father time will always win. But you don’t have to make your aging loved one suffer during their 60’s or 70’s. Courtyard Gardens is one of the greatest Royal Palm Beach Assisted Living out there. We have programs that can benefit seniors of all ages. If you want more details about our services, then don’t hesitate to call us. We’re glad to entertain your inquiries!