Delray Assisted Living | Why Soda is Bad for Seniors

Delray Assisted Living | Why Soda is Bad for Seniors

You can hardly find someone that doesn’t drink soda. Virtually everyone has a favorite variation of the brand of soda. Delray Assisted Living communities serve sodas sometimes, but with great caution. Seniors should not be chugging up sodas as much as they can. Everything is bad in excess, and if you want to know why sodas specifically, take a look at this list below.


Do Not Make You Feel Full

Did you know that the most common form of sugar supplies large amounts of the simple sugar fructose? This might be a problem because taking in big consumption of fructose does not lower ghrelin. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone; it stimulates fullness when you digest starchy foods. Tamper with his hormone and you get the sense that you are not full. Consequently, it increases your chances of gaining unhealthy weight.

It turns Into Fat in Your Liver

Table sugar or sucrose can only be metabolized by one organ which is the liver. Sodas are easily one of the most concentrated food products in the market. Your liver turns fructose into fat that can contribute to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Sugary Soda May Cause Insulin Resistance

Your favorite coke can make your cells less sensitive to the effects of insulin. If you didn’t know, insulin is the key feature of your body’s metabolism. This is why people who develop insulin resistance are more likely to have metabolic syndrome, another stepping stone to heart disease.

Soda Contains No Essential Nutrients

It’s very disappointing to know that sodas contain no essential nutrients. It has no vitamins, no fiber, no minerals just sugar. It offers nothing if you are starting to have a healthy diet.

It may be addictive

Many scientists in the food department say that soda is addictive because of its sugar content. They conduct studies that suggest that proceed sugar in sodas and junk food affects your brain like hard drugs! You might want to consider that before consuming a lot of sodas next time.


Sweet Company here in Delray Assisted Living

The best-Assisted Living near Delray is Courtyard Gardens. Here, we monitor your aging loved one’s diet so that they can stay healthy. Courtyard Gardens boast its meticulousness in the dining area so you can be sure that your parents are in good hands. We allow seniors to experience our services during the day while they spend time with their families in the evening. Call us for inquiries today!