Boynton Beach Assisted Living | Effective Ways Older People Can Manage Their Diabetes

Diabetes is a nasty business. Despite reports saying 9.4 percent of the U.S. population –have diabetes, the medical world is slow on making a permanent solution for diabetes. The best Boynton Beach Assisted Living facility does not intend to put the medical world on trial, but we want to give you effective ways to manage diabetes as we wait for scientists to formulate the end of this illness.

Eat Healthily

It seems a no brainer to eat healthy whatever your age is, but you might find yourself surprised that a lot of people are stubborn to eat healthy foods. Make sure to eat your fruits, vegetables, grains, meat, and dairy in the proper nutritional content.

An Active Lifestyle with Boynton Beach Assisted Living Facilities

You want to control your glucose as much as possible. Aerobic exercises such as bicycling, swimming, and jogging can help you on your quest. The American Diabetes Association recommends at least 150 minutes of exercise every week. Consult a healthcare professional when you want to see results. They usually recommend specific routines for specific cases.

Check Glucose Levels Regularly

A healthy habit when having diabetes is to check the glucose level regularly. Don’t wait for your healthcare professional to keep reminding you. People who are taking insulin should prioritize checking every day. Do not allow hypoglycemia to develop further in your body. Senior people with diabetes have a higher risk of hypoglycemia when taking medications compared to regular people.

Take the Dose of Medication Very Seriously

Why would anybody want to risk putting their bodes in lethal conditions? Never miss a dose of medication. It is very easy to forget to take pills when you get older. Luckily, there are a variety of options you can organize your medicines. It is advisable to make a chart to check when you take your medicine each day.

Examine Your Feet Every Day

Cuts and red patches that looks like it might be infected are signs that you should see your doctor right away. Check it every day so you can prevent it from developing and remember to always keep it clean.

We Care About Your Loved One’s Diabetes. The best Boynton Beach Assisted Living

Our staff is well trained for residents that deal with diabetes. You would want to delegate the caregiving task to the best-assisted living facility in Boynton Beach. Here in Courtyard Gardens, you can rest easy knowing we take care of our residents like family. We check their diet, lifestyle, and hobbies. For more questions on our services, call us at (561)336-4958. You can also visit our location 3005 S Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach Fl. 33426. For more inquiries.