Boynton Beach Assisted Living | How To Tell Your Dad It’s Time to Stop Driving?

Courtyard Gardens Senior Care

How old is too old to drive? He accepts he might have to stop driving someday but notes that his friend drives into his early 80s. It is a problem most assisted living facilities in Boynton Beach know about. You can evaluate your loved one’s driving skills and conclude that it is no longer safe to let him/her drive on the highway. Identifying their limitations is easy. Telling them to stop driving is the tricky part. This conversation will be tough, and you’ll probably feel like the bad guy, but you cannot jeopardize the safety of your aging parent and the people on the streets.

Be firm but sensitive

Mark Hornbeck, a spokesman for the American Association of Retired Persons in Michigan, said “There’s no magic age at which everyone needs to give up their keys. It’s a health-related issue.”

You might want to consider what Mark is conveying. Sometimes, an elderly person is capable of safely driving. You have to make sure your parents are showing red flags. Many of them get offended, angry, and defensive if you are reluctant with your judgment. If they see your sincerity, it is much easier to convince them it is no longer safe behind the wheel.

Emphasize that you are not accusing them of being a bad driver. Share a few specific concerns about aging-related issues that make their driving unsafe.

Patience is the key.

When you have a conversation about giving up the keys, patience is a vital need. This can significantly influence their satisfaction so it’s understandable that they may be annoyed. Giving them time to accept changes to work through their feelings can easily avoid unnecessary fights.

Pitch the advantages.

Nothing sells an idea more than highlighting the positive side. For the older folks, driving together with their loved ones brings more companionship, thus more joy. Being unable to drive also takes advantage of the modern delivery system. Besides, public transit can often lead to open new doors.

When all else fails

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) enables individuals to report perilous drivers, even anonymously. You don’t need to be a lawyer. Anybody can document a report.

On the off chance that you don’t feel good documenting a DMV report, talk to their doctor and ask for a letter that you can take to the DMV. The advantage is that your more seasoned grown-up won’t blame you for removing their permit. Rather, they’ll be irate with the DMV. Typically when someone is reported to be a threat in the streets, they’re called in for a license retest regardless of when their license expires.

Boynton Beach Area Assisted Living Facilities

The Department of Motor Vehicles is not the only agency that is concerned with elderly driving. The assisted living facilities in the Boynton Beach area know that senior residents need alternative transportation services. Give us a call at (561)336-4958. We’ll be happy to assist your loved ones to reach their destination. Enjoy more free time knowing they are in safe hands.